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Welcome to Owlishly and Mimi's Blog! We hope you'll like our blog! SUBSCRIBE!!!! And PLEASE comment. We love to hear feedback on our artwork. Right now we are doing requests so request away! Our goal is to get 20 followers by the end of this year, so please help us! You can find us on other sites on the list of "Our other pages"
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-Mimi and Owlishly. We're not sure what happened to the other members.

Friday, March 29, 2013


Some Pokemon people.
I'm sorry they're all crappy nexus doodles I haven't been on my tablet for some time.


Don't think I forgot about him. Redraws of this from June

Also made a new icon

and Marlon. I don't know why I drew him since I hate him but I needed practice drawing without lines.


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