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Welcome to Owlishly and Mimi's Blog! We hope you'll like our blog! SUBSCRIBE!!!! And PLEASE comment. We love to hear feedback on our artwork. Right now we are doing requests so request away! Our goal is to get 20 followers by the end of this year, so please help us! You can find us on other sites on the list of "Our other pages"
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-Mimi and Owlishly. We're not sure what happened to the other members.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Red Velvet Chic

By Sassafras

I do the coloring for Dark Strike (well duh he's my little brother), Sassafras, and Booky. Sometimes I like to edit the artwork a bit know how us computer geeks are. I also post most of the artwork on the blog because I stare at this thing all day. Sassafras actually colored this in herself but I just wanted to say relating to the last post.....I INSTAGRAMED IT! trololololo

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